Father God’s Heart
“During my Sozo, I experienced the heart of God the Father in a way I’ve never experienced before. I felt the renewal of my mind and like I received a spiritual heart transplant!”

School Breakthrough
“After my daughter’s educational Sozo, we saw immediate breakthrough. She’s now getting her homework done in record time, and we’re hearing less and less negative self speech!”

Freedom from Anxiety
“I’ve dealt with anxiety since childhood, but I haven’t been anxious since my Sozo. Now I know that there is no situation Father God cannot help me with.”

No Longer Isolated
“I’ve often felt stuck and isolated. But God changed everything in my Sozo session! I safely walked through pain and now know I have a voice over my negative thoughts.”

No More Insomnia
“For a long time I suffered from insomnia. With tools gained from a Sozo class with Dawna, I can now sleep without taking pills. I’m waking up completely rested and happy!”

New Business Plan
“My financial Sozo helped me spiritually and strategically by giving heaven’s perspective on a business plan. I left with a sense of purpose and the assurance that our business will be a success at the highest level.”

Overcoming Infertility
“For 8 years, my husband and I struggled with unexplained infertility. My Sozo revealed it was linked to family grief after my parents had a stillborn child when I was five. I asked God to take this grief away, and I became pregnant with my first child shortly afterwards (and two more to come!).”

Physical Stress Released
“I was in a car accident 4 years ago and have put my physical body through so much restriction and stress. During my Sozo appointment, my body was able to express what it needed to, and I was able to apologize to it. I feel more aware and connected with myself.”

God’s Protection
“I’d believed a lie for 20+ years that God wasn't present when I was sexually abused in my teens. In my Sozo, God not only showed me He was present, but showed me what He had protected me from. I now know the truth of that situation.”

Healing Bitterness
“It felt as if Holy Spirit was literally pulling out bitter roots from deep within my heart, roots that I didn't even know were there. I instantly had streams of tears. It was very impactful.”

Life With God
“Before my Sozo, I unconsciously believed the lie that I had to do life on my own and work really hard. I’m now living in the belief that I was created to do life with God.”

Peaceful Eyes
“I was so blown away by how Jesus reached down to me and took away my shame. All the lies I’d believed I fully gave to him and felt something lift off my chest. When a close friend saw me two days later, she noticed the difference too!”

Freedom from Suicide
“After multiple years of intense transition, one evening I considered suicide for the first time in my life. The only thing that stopped me was not wanting my kids to find my body. In my Sozo, God took me to the core of my pain of rejection and gave me my life back.”

No More Depression
“I’d been struggling with depression for years, and my Sozo gave me freedom in a way I've never had before. I especially valued encountering a new way of communicating with the Spirit and that has been such a help to me.”

Never Abandoned
“I had a history of depression due to childhood trauma. Because of this, I went to a psychiatrist when pregnant with my first child. After my Sozo, I didn’t need to take medication or stay in the hospital. My psychiatrist was amazed too!”