Frequently Asked Questions
Sozo Ministry
How do I book an appointment?
Find your state/country on our Book a Sozo page and contact the ministry closest to you. Ask your Regional Facilitator any questions (their contact information can be found on your state/country’s list of ministries).
If your state or country doesn’t have any local ministries or a Regional Facilitator to contact, book a virtual appointment with our founding ministry in Redding, California.
Can one Sozo session actually heal a lie that has been believed for many years?
Yes. Once the Lord heals the first time the lie was settled into your spirit, the rest of your life experiences based on this lie will realign to His truth.
I’m not sure if I need a Sozo or Shabar session.
Start with a Sozo appointment in your local area. If you’ve already had a recent Sozo, submit the contact form below for guidance on your unique situation.
I’d like to book a personal Shabar ministry session.
Submit the contact form below. Teresa will contact you with more information.
Sozo Training
Can I do the e-courses with a group?
Yes! One person needs to purchase the course at a regular price, then add an extra $10 per additional person.
For the Basic Sozo and Advanced Sozo e-courses, email Cory (Dawna’s assistant) at cory.desilva@dawnadesilva.com. If purchasing the Shabar Ministry e-course, extra people can be added when purchasing the course from Teresa’s website.
I’d like to be trained in-person at Redding, California. What do I do?
Submit the contact form below.
Does completing a Sozo e-course certify me to be a Sozo minister?
No. Please see the Sozo Training page for more information.
Anyone is welcome to use the Sozo tools. However, if you wish to be a part of our Sozo Network and use the terms "Bethel" or "Sozo" when promoting your ministry, you must first be released by your Regional Facilitator.
What if my state/country doesn’t have a Regional Facilitator?
Submit the contact form below. We’ll get back to you with options.
You may also check out the Sozo Internship Program at our founding ministry in Redding, California.
How do I donate to the Sozo ministry?
Click the button below to donate through PayPal. Thank you for your contribution! Your generosity enables us to continue expanding God’s kingdom through inner healing.